Stampede by the Sea will attract visitors into the area before the height of the summer season, and will also turn local families into tourists as they take on the trail. This not only puts them all in front of your brand, but it also has a halo effect that will benefit the local tourist economy as a whole, which is so vital to this part of rural Dorset.
There are a number of ways that your business can get involved with the trail, with each package offering a number of benefits. These include multiple PR opportunities, driving new business and loyalty, employee and customer relations, and meeting your corporate social responsibility objectives – all whilst making a difference to those local people who are navigating life’s most difficult journey and in need of the services of Weldmar Hospicecare.
Sponsor Pack Register your interest (via Weldmar Hospicecare website)Be part of an amazing event
There are so many great reasons why getting involved with Stampede by the Sea will benefit your brand. Honestly, who’s going to walk past a six foot tall decorated elephant in the street and not want to stop to find out more?
Sponsor Benefits
Brand association with such a highly anticipated event and Dorset’s largest independent charity.
Employee and customer engagement, such as choosing your bespoke design
Drive footfall to our local area, your own website, social media or premises
Get creative with photo and video for PR opportunities
Corporate Social Responsibility, supporting the local community and economy
Build relationships and networking, engaging with other sponsors and partners at our eventsy point
Wild in Art is the leading producer of spectacular public art events which enrich, entertain, inform and connect communities – giving people of all ages a voice through art.
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